Monday, 26 November 2012

Christmas List

So Basically this is my wish list for christmas! 
Obvs i wont get all (or any) of this, as my family don't go mad and spend stupid amounts on each other, but one of two things would make me happy :)

Make-up really excites me lately, so i really want to get some good brands in my life but on a student budget its just not gonna happen! So fingers crossed someone loves me enough :)

Cant wait for the taste of mulled wine and mince pies! :D 




Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Leather Trousers

Hello :)
Yesterday me and my boyfriend drove up to Shepard's Bush for a bit of shopping.  I have been lusting after leather trousers (Pleather)  for a long long time.  Now they have hit the high street at really reasonable prices i had to get some. 
I know you can get leather look leggings but I'm really not a fan of leggings as i always feel a bit exposed. So i went for the structured leather trouser. 
These are from H&M and were £24.99. 

Here are a few outfits i have put together to show you my way of styling LEATHER TROUSERS. 
I actually found them really easy to style, they look good with anything! So i'm very happy about that, also they are so amazing for the winter as they are nice and warm :).
Let me know what you think and what you would recommend wearing them with. 

At the moment i am stressing like a mad woman with the quantity of uni work on my shoulders :(. 
I'm sure any of you who are doing or have done a degree know the feeling! 


The Chunky statement leather heel. 
Leather on Leather. Ultimate rock chic. 
I love a bright coloured print. Especially on a light weight chiffon fabric.  International £5.00
Chunky flat boots - H&M £29.99

 Gold studs and buckles heeled ankle boots. Republic Sale £25.00

While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence --- which i believe does make the woman.
- Mary Kay Ashe
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